20 W Emma Street Rockford, Washington 99030

Town of Rockford

Unlike a statute, or state law, an ordinance is a local law that is passed by municipal governing authorities. In Rockford, that authority is our Town Council

This page links you to current ordinances the Town of Rockford has established and codified to set standards of conduct and construction for our residents and visitors to follow.

Code is enforcement and abatement is generally carried out by the Spokane County Sheriff's Department.

Click here to view the Town of Rockford's Municipal Code

When appropriate, it is our goal to gain voluntary compliance in correcting a confirmed code violation. A written voluntary code compliance agreement may be used to detail the actions necessary to correct the violation.   In the event a voluntary compliance agreement is not appropriate, or in the event such procedures fail, the Town of Rockford may initiate additional activities intended to abate the violation in accordance with the law.