Contact Town Hall to have your event listed!


Regular Community Meetings

Town Council Meetings 

1st and 3rd Wednesdays 7:00pm 

Rockford Town Hall


Planning Commission

The Tuesday before the 1st Wednesday

of each month 7:00pm

​Rockford Town Hall


AA Meeting 

Thursdays 7:00pm 

RUMC Parsonage Office (downstairs)


Rockford Lion's Club  

2nd & 4th Mondays 7:00pm 

Harvest Moon Meeting Room


Southeast Spokane County Fair Association Meeting  

1st Monday 7:00pm 

Rockford Town Hall or Rockford Fairgrounds (Park)


Rockford Community United Methodist Church (RUMC) - 221 South 1st Street, Rockford, WA 99030

St. Joseph's Catholic Church - 138 South River Street Rockford, WA 99030

Macintosh Grange - 319 S. First St, Rockford, WA 99030

Rockford Town Hall - 20 W Emma St, Rockford, WA 99030

Harvest Moon Meeting Room - 20 S 1st St, Rockford, WA 99030

Information pertaining to religious organizations or locations does not reflect endorsements by the Town of Rockford and are presented for public information only.

20 W Emma Street Rockford, Washington 99030

Town of Rockford

Special Events